So Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has now waded into deeper—and gayer—waters. Not happy to have got his divorce papers and laws all organised and dusted off in our oh-so-Catholic isle he now wants marriages of the same sex ilk. Can Malta take another of these liberal earthquakes?
Nothing wrong there I dare say. The more varied our marriages and partnerships the better it is for our society. We need colour, we need fun in this our century and millennium which are fast turning into the gloomy tunes ones. Add on not just colour, say I, but all gaiety or else we are surely going to end up seriously suffering from some mad malady. We might even all turn into parliamentarians.
It wasn’t enough that all year we used to look forward to carnival where we could have had our own spot of politic-free, politically correct fun and revelry. Now our minister of culture—and carnival is the epitome of culture especially in our shores—has fished out a law, or a lack of a law, that we used to think, all 400,000 of us for more than half a century, barred us from laughing at politicians during carnival.
So come February next year you can bet your last euro cent—if that funny coinage is still around—that the political parties are going to ruin the party for us all. Carnival—which I must admit has become a right boring snooze-fest—is going to be even more excruciatingly boring what with floats that flatter our fave party and other floats that flatten the reputation of the rest of the parties.
I hope some enterprising—and upright—Member of Parliament will call for proper respect of the rules of financing and propriety of the carnival floats. Otherwise the floating voter will definitely desert our politicians. And they—the floaters who decide who wins elections—will not even turn up at carnival. What worse shock and horror could afflict us? How oh how could the minister of culture—even if he has changed by next year and become a labour one—cope with such catastrophes?
Back to happy marriages and sexual unions of all shapes, shades and shady groupings. Our enterprising Dr Pullicino Orlando first put a wedge into our Catholic weddings. His actions and subsequent law launched all our folk into a flurry to disengage themselves—en masse and cut off from true Catholic mass— from their sacred, supposedly life-long unions. And now he is clamouring for more varied unions. Less is more sometimes for our king maverick.
Like divorce I am in reality—and seriously—very much in favour of same sex marriage or at least that the state recognises same-sex unions. Of course I’m not sure if our inclusive Bishop of Gozo will be hooting for Jeffrey’s proposed law.
Good luck dear Jeffrey—we, the happy and also the less happy will always put you on a pedestal of trust and utter fealty. Your uprightness is our beacon to see us through these our least of gay times.
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